Opole Budget

Opole’s budget for 2020 is nearly PLN 1.5 billion. In 2020 the funds will be used to support important investments: to continue the construction of the Opole Wschodnie transfer hub, to start construction of a transfer hub in place of the current bus station, to build Opole Sport Park, to redevelop the area of the Kamionka Piast reservoir near ul. 1 Maja, to start revitalisation of the Public Services Centre (nearby the intersection of Ozimska and Plebiscytowa streets), to build an outpatient clinic in the Malinka housing complex or a new sports hall at Primary School no. 11 in the Chabry housing complex. A water playground in the Armii Krajowej housing complex is a new idea. We are also planning to continue building other playgrounds and bike lanes. Opole has a safe debt level compared to profits. High ratings calculated by independent financial agencies.