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Flaga Unii Europejskiej
przejdź do informacji o Regionalnym Funduszu Inwestycji Lokalnych
Biulety Informacji Publicznej UM Opole
Dostępność w urzędzie
Tekst prosty do czytania ETR
Tłumacz języka migowego

Opole Budget

Dla Mieszkańca
Budżet Miasta Opola

Opole’s budget for 2020 is nearly PLN 1.5 billion. In 2020 the funds will be used to support important investments: to continue the construction of the Opole Wschodnie transfer hub, to start construction of a transfer hub in place of the current bus station, to build Opole Sport Park, to redevelop the area of the Kamionka Piast reservoir near ul. 1 Maja, to start revitalisation of the Public Services Centre (nearby the intersection of Ozimska and Plebiscytowa streets), to build an outpatient clinic in the Malinka housing complex or a new sports hall at Primary School no. 11 in the Chabry housing complex. A water playground in the Armii Krajowej housing complex is a new idea. We are also planning to continue building other playgrounds and bike lanes. Opole has a safe debt level compared to profits. High ratings calculated by independent financial agencies.

Contact data
Opole City Hall
ul. Rynek 1A
45-015 Opole
77 45 11 800
urzad [at] um.opole.pl