The Faculty of Law and Administration of Opole University is one of the youngest of its kind in Poland. Its six departments and fourteen chairs employ seventeen professors, twenty-six adjuncts and eleven assistants. Teaching facilities include a faculty library, computer laboratory and a courtroom in which students simulate court trials under the watchful eye of the staff. The purpose of those simulations is to enable students to gain practical insights into criminal, civil and court procedures.
The curriculum includes law-related subjects (e.g. constitutional law, civil law, civil procedure, criminal law, criminal procedure, administrative law, administrative procedure), general theory and history of law (state and legal theory, Roman law, state and legal history, history of political and legal doctrines, philosophy of law, ethics in law), as well as interdisciplinary law subjects (legal sociology, social communication in the legal professions, religious law).
Law is a long-cycle, 5-year full-time programme offering the following specialisations: civil law, criminal law, state administration, as well as European and international law.
Graduates receive the degree of magister of law and are ready to begin further training necessary to work in a legal profession (as a judge, prosecutor, attorney, counsel, notary or court enforcement officer). The programme prepares graduates to work for law enforcement agencies, police forces, legal divisions of businesses and state and local authority structures. It also teaches students how to effectively navigate the job market and the tangle of legal regulations, and instils honesty and conscientiousness at work, confidence and quick decision-making.
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