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Flaga Unii Europejskiej
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Biulety Informacji Publicznej UM Opole
Dostępność w urzędzie
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Tłumacz języka migowego
Uniwersytet Opolski

Opole University

Dla Studenta

Opole University offers tremendous research potential which manifests in the form of its distinguished staff members, the plethora of specialised workshops, laboratories, computer and media centres, as well as its impressive library collection.
The University conducts world-class research, exploring previously unknown frontiers of knowledge. If you want to discover the origins of the dinosaurs, study the flora and fauna of Asian countries and discover new species, research and develop neural networks or work on thermonuclear fusion to develop an energy source of the future, you are certain to find something to suit your ambitions here. The researchers at Opole University study subatomic particles, as well as the origins of the Polish state. They attempt to define infinity, as well as restoring polluted areas using bacteria. If you have an interesting idea for research, would like to pursue your passions and work on your career, choose Opole University.
Opole University is constantly growing its range of programmes, establishing new partnerships with research centres and businesses both domestic and international, offers dual programmes (with theory being taught in class and practice being taught in the business world), operates the Europa Master programme (allowing students to obtain degrees from three universities simultaneously: Opole, Dijon and Mainz), sends its students abroad as part of internships and exchanges (Erasmus programme), funds scholarships, enables students to pursue their passions as part of the student union and research clubs, as well as by participating in cultural, entertainment and sporting events.

Contact data
Uniwersytet Opolski
pl. Kopernika 11a
45-040 Opole
77 452 70 00
sekretariat [at] uni.opole.pl