Polish Song Walk of Fame
Located in front of the City Hall entrance, the Polish Song Walk of Fame has been growing in length since 2004. It is one of the greatest tourist attractions in the Polish Song Capital, and one of the most musical ones in the city. The Walk is expanded to include new bronze plaques and autographs of performers, composers and songwriters every year. Among its more than fifty plaques are artists such as Czesław Niemen, Maryla Rodowicz, Edyta Górniak, Edyta Geppert, Ewa Demarczyk, Kora, Kayah, Marek Grechuta, Wojciech Młynarski, bands such as Lady Pank, TSA, Dżem, Zakopower and Irena Santor. Their reveals are some of the most widely-covered and locally popular events related to the festival. Real crowds come to see every new addition to the Walk, an opportunity to see or even talk to the artists in person.