Explore history
The Explore history route is a great hit with visitors. A special application makes local monuments come to life and tell their stories through phones. More than 16,000 users have tried it out so far. They have learned the stories of Prince Casimir I, writer Agnieszka Osiecka, poet and singer Wojciech Młynarski, the Elderly Gentlemen’s Cabaret, politician Karol Musioł and Ceres. The new monument of Prince Casimir I on horseback has been the most popular one so far. It is also the first monument to be available in other languages – you can listen to the Prince in English and German.
The authorities of Opole have decided to expand the project to include other important monuments, and so new stops include the Monument to the Protectors of the Polishness of Opole Silesia, the Juno monument, the Let us Defend our Opole monument, the Bee Yard Lady monument, as well as the St. Adalbert Well on University Hill and the unique Opole Cathedral doors.
Simply walk up to a bronze plaque on a monument, scan the QR code and accept the call.