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Międzynarodowy Festiwal Perkusyjny Drum Fest

Drum Fest International Percussion Festival


Drum Fest is one of the largest events of this type in the world. It has a brand, an audience and household names from across the globe who are eager to use this opportunity to show off their skills. Drum Fest has hosted performances by Glenn Hughes from Black Sabbath, Ian Paice from Deep Purple, Dave Lombardo of Slayer fame and Michael Landau, who has played with Pink Floyd and Miles Davis, among others.
There is something to satisfy even the most eclectic tastes – the music played ranges from classical to jazz, funk, reggae, rock and metal. The festival is also a great opportunity for young drummers, who can train under the tutelage of true masters of the art. The stars not only perform on the scene, but also teach very popular classes on various percussion instruments. The festival also consists of contests and meetings.
It is organised by the Polish Percussion Association. The first edition of the festival took place in 1988 under the name Opole Percussion Music Days, and has since evolved into a music event spanning a period of more than 4 weeks. Guitar and drum sounds can be heard not only in Opole itself, but in many other cities in the voivodeship as well, in addition to Katowice and Wrocław. The festival takes place between September and October.


Contact data
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Perkusyjne
ul. 1-go Maja 19 (oficyna)
45-068 Opole
77 454 66 24 wewn. 23
festiwal [at] drumfest.pl