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Biulety Informacji Publicznej UM Opole
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Tekst prosty do czytania ETR
Tłumacz języka migowego
Opolski Festiwal Skoków

Opole High Jump Festival


Undoubtedly one of the most interesting sporting events in Opole. The Festival traditionally takes place in June. The tradition was born in 2006 and the event has been organised every year since, mostly as a result of the efforts of Janusz Trzepizur – its originator and managing director. Janusz is a former Polish stadium and indoor high jump champion who participated in the 1980 Moscow Olympics and set his personal record of 2.32 metres in Milan in 1982. Janusz Trzepizur’s promising career ended prematurely due to an injury, but he never really lost his love for jumping. It is important to note that his love has not gone unreciprocated. The festival draws the greatest jumpers and rising stars of the discipline every year.
One of the attractions during the event is the Little Olympian contest, whose purpose is to promote sports among children. The contestants are cheered on by celebrity athletes such as Władysław Kozakiewicz, Jacek Wszoła, Artur Partyka, Bartłomiej Bonk and Danuta Bułkowska. All this is in a casual, family atmosphere where only the thrill of the sport matters.

Contact data
Stadion Lekkoatletyczny im. Opolskich Olimpijczyków
ul Sosnkowskiego 12
45-273 Opole
77 455 62 24
mosir [at] mosir.opole.pl