Opole Senior Days
The Opole Senior Days is a fantastic event dedicated for seniors, but slightly older youths are sure to find something to do there as well. There have been nineteen editions so far, mostly taking place in May, and each has drawn many attendees.
The event begins with a Mass, a march through Opole and seniors being presented the keys to the city. What follows depends on the year, but attractions have so far included police presentations, conferences, workshops, training sessions, as well as free city office and museum tours. The Opole Senior Days are also an opportunity to check your blood sugar and pressure levels and take part in discussions on more serious issues, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Lectures are organised as part of the University of the Third Age, in addition to tours around interesting parts and buildings of Opole and seminars on how to live longer and effectively alleviate stress. You can also learn Nordic walking and practice other types of physical activity. The multi-generational picnic is also a major attraction, in addition to a dance and Grand May Celebration in the Bierkowice open-air museum.
The event is organised by the Municipal Family Support Centre.