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Biulety Informacji Publicznej UM Opole
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Tłumacz języka migowego
Opolskie Konfrontacje Teatralne

Opole Theatre Confrontations


The classics do not have to be stale. The classics are still alive and well. The classics are still worth coming back to. This is the premise of the annual “Polish Classics” Opole Theatre Confrontations festival, which takes place in April and has earned the admiration of both the theatre community and its spectators. The event has taken place in the Jan Kochanowski Theatre in Opole since 1975, that is since the venue was first built. During the Confrontations, the greatest Polish classics are staged by artists vying for the Grand Prix and a range of other awards.
The event is the largest festival dedicated to classic Polish plays and, as emphasised by its organisers, it constitutes a constant dialogue between modern theatre and older plays, demonstrating how they resonate with modern audiences. It is a long-standing tradition of looking back at the Polish theatre canon and coming up with fresh ideas. Zealously faithful recreators meet with those who prefer to reinterpret the classics, make them more modern and revitalise them.

Contact data
Teatr im. Jana Kochanowskiego
pl. Teatralny 12
45-056 Opole
77 453 90 82
biuro [at] teatropole.pl