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Flaga Unii Europejskiej
przejdź do informacji o Regionalnym Funduszu Inwestycji Lokalnych
Biulety Informacji Publicznej UM Opole
Dostępność w urzędzie
Tekst prosty do czytania ETR
Tłumacz języka migowego



When students take over Opole every year during the Piastonalia university festival, the city becomes colourful, loud and crowded. With students at the wheel, the fun lasts day and night.
Everything begins with a colourful parade attended by hundreds of students wearing the strangest of outfits. They head to the Market Square, where they symbolically take over control of the city.
The Opole University of Technology has traditionally hosted the event, including the Colour Explosion concert, during which dozens of people move to the rhythm of music sprinkled with colourful dust. Turawa near Opole, which features one of the most beautiful lakes in the region, is where a weekend-long student picnic takes place, replete with bonfires, contests, activities and open-air parties. The Opole Piastonalia festival also includes video and board game competitions, a sports day, kayak races on the Oder and a dragon boat race on the Młynówka Canal. The event ends with a grand student barbecue, perfect to chill out after all the fun.
All this, of course, with a lot of great music playing in the background! Concerts take place every day during Piastonalia, and you can listen to a variety of genres every evening, including rock, dance, hip-hop and even disco polo.

Contact data
Samorząd Studencki Politechniki Opolskiej oraz Uniwersytetu Opolskiego