St. Adalbert Festival
“For many days did Bishop Adalbert travel before arriving at the settlement. He did not stop, however. He knew neither the local customs, nor what kind of welcome to expect. For them, he was a stranger. On the right bank of the Oder, he saw a hill with a beautiful view of the market square and the island settlement. That is where he decided to make his stop...” [U. Zajączkowska “The Legend of St. Adalbert’s Stay in Opole”].
This is what St. Adalbert’s stay in Opole was like according to legend. Did the famous Bishop really visit Opole? Nobody knows for certain, but historians claim that it is likely. St. Adalbert is the patron saint of Opole, which is why the city authorities decided to commemorate him by organising the annual St. Adalbert Festival.
During the event, Opole hosts an outdoor play inspired by St. Adalbert’s life, as well as a regional, traditional and antique product fairs. Other activities include concerts, meetings with famous namesakes and presentations of old craftsmanship. It is important to raise awareness of the city’s patron among the residents of Opole.